Friday, July 9, 2010

daily examen

Last Night:

I have been working diligently on my Synoptic Gospel course, these past days. Focusing on my upcoming ministry has also been a huge thing in my life. (22 days till I am official here at Manna House) So it was rather late in the night, about 1:30 to be exact.

I was finally settling down for the night with my usual night prayer, The Daily Examen (to follow). As I was getting to the part on Gratitude, for which I have much to be grateful, the phone rang. I uncrossed my eyes, looked at my clock and I thought "seriously God."I went and took the phone call.

It was police department. Deanna, the dispatcher, calling, again. She was asking for hospitality for a transient. We have managed to have these midnight conversations twice this week, what luck! 

So I make the phone calls I need to make and we get things squared away... and I go back to conclude my prayer, eyes slowly crossing... and I think to myself. Gratitude. Gratitude is - simply - having a place to lay one's head and knowing it is gift. Gratitude that this poor man has a place to lay his head. Gratitude that I was in fact awake and could take the call. Gratitude is one less person sleeping without...

The Daily Examen is simple and reminds us to be ever mindful of God, of Love.

This is the prayer for "Finding God in all Things." It was developed by St. Ignatius back in the day as a reflection piece for his community, the Jesuits. The practice, still kept by many today, has tremendously unifying potential and allows us to continue knowing the experience of God in our lives every moment.

There are five steps to this process:

1. Become aware of God

2. Offer Gratitude for the gifts you have received

3. Become aware of your emotions or pay attention to what you are feeling

4. Ponder the experiences that you had and choose one to pray with.

5. Conclude with prayer for the next day and for a renewed attention to God acting ever so directly in our lives.


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