Saturday, July 24, 2010

Jesus and Gandhi - ponderings

Who is Jesus? Who is Ghandi? What is Nonviolence? What is Peace?

I have been studying Jesus pretty intensely for the past few weeks, as he is present in the Synoptic Gospels, that is by Mark, Matthew and Luke. As of present I am finishing the Gospel of Luke. I have been studying the socio-historical and socio-cultural criticism of the gospels. Specifically my text books describe what Jesus encounter as he was raised by his mother. The history was Roman rule, grotesque power raging in the streets, life (of the vulnerable and poor) meant nothing. The society was plagued with intense religious separation of the honorable and dishonored, pure and impure. Jesus saw these things, knew the Israelite tradition and challenged those who maintained the structures of violence. He wanted to see concord among his contemporaries. He wanted to empower the powerless, encourage the courage-less, and make known the heaven that is in our midst. He commanded communion with our neighbor and acceptance of conflict as way to enter more deeply into the world where we live and the "world" we live in. 

I was also fortunate to have a few days of presentation by a wonderful Marquette University professor in Peace-Making, Terrance Rynne, he spoke on, among others, Mohandas Gandhi and his coined word, Satyagraha. Satyagraha is a firm hold on truth in action (and much more). Gandhi gave his life for justice, nonviolence and the oppressed. He was disciplined and well educated, and aware of the reality of his surroundings especially the people. 

Why do I hide with the curtain of capitalism, consumerism, and individualism... such wonderful people, such potential, such an abundance of power? My egoic desires are insatiable, unattainable and convincing. They reek of the sin of control, fear, fantasy and anger. 

Where is my prayer leading me, if not to disengage these things in my life. Where is my study leading me if not to freedom of these things in my life. The person I choose to control is me, can I do that? Can you do that? Can we do that, in order to live more aware of the life that surrounds us, more in debt to the Giver, more in love with the gifts that abound us and more at peace with being who I am, you are, at peace with being us. 

We are broken and alone, we are wounded and sad. 
We are happy and alive, we are gifted and inspired.

I have met Jesus, I have met Gandhi maybe not in person, but in spirit. In the actions of the people that surround me and in my own actions.  Have you met these people? 

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